Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Natural Fabric Softener

So I was at the store the other day with my sister and I was looking for some natural dryer sheets and she told me about a great alternative to them. You take a washcloth, and get it wet. Wring it out and then pour white vinegar on it then wring that out. Throw that in the dryer with your clothes and... Voila! Like magic your clothes are static (and chemical) free!! At first I was worried that my clothes were going to smell like vinegar but they didn't so I am very excited!! It's also one less thing to go in the landfills so I am happy!


  1. Maaaaannnnn, your sister is soooooo smart ;)

  2. WOW!Great tip and super savings.Though I do not use fabric softener anyway because I live in a house that has a septic tank and the least amount of chemicals and stuff the better for the septic tank except for special enzymes you flush down your toilet in order to keep bacteria at bay in the septic tank.I will certainly remember this one.Your sister is one smart "cookie";>)


Beth and Morgans Blog