Peace and Love From Fiore
My fiance came home many moons ago upset about his work week, granted he had a right to want to explode and of course it made me uncomfortable knowing he was feeling this way but we both learned alot from this experience. I had just completed a day of work myself, and was eager to see him. When I did, I gave him a huge kiss and hug, and during that moment I could feel his tension. I proceeded to tell him about my day, and without hesitation and very few words in response to my news, he started steaming frustration, and anxiety, and bad news. As he continued I could feel my heart racing, and my mind overworking to compensate his anger for the situation. After an hour of trying to give helpful advice he still wasn't done. Over 3 hours later he finally began to lose his aggression for the situation, and let go. The next morning he greeted me with more tension complaining about his team leader. I was again, in awe that something that had happened in the past was literally eating up every present moment he was experiencing. It took us days till we thought we were through it, until a couple days later. We were sitting on the train and met a man that was going through the same thing my fiance was. Well this was the perfect moment to find someone new to let it all out on. He proceeded by sharing his experiences, and it soon became a force so strong and dark with hurt, I just couldn't take it anymore. I sat with my fiance and we had a long discussion about the ramifications of sending out that powerful negative energy into the world, and that the guy on the train who was in the exact same situation was not there by coincidence. Ekart Tole explains that what we think we are, the thoughts we manifest become our reality, that the universe will respond however we teach it to.. well those are my own words, but basically you catch my drift. We also discussed how when we get into these types of situations rather than learning to give it to God we harbor those feelings then we transfer our anguish onto someone else. In an effort to as they say "get it off your shoulders" your actually implanting it into the heart of another. If that person isn't strong enough it will take its course in the mind of someone else. This is a very sad case of "I can't take it, so you take it". If we want to make change in our lives we must think about the way we are seeing certain things and change our attitude towards it. It was a powerful lesson for us both, given he is usually the mentor, and it made me think about the way I had been seeing things as well. After several days of evaluating the darkness we had created with many things, my fiance decided he was going to change his attitude about the situation and put his energy and focus on finding a new client. Well the next day after this epiphany for us both he comes home with a huge smile on his face. He had yet again met another man on the train, who was in a similar field but only this time he was working for a television station in need of a producer, and encouraged his call to the right people, and even said "use me as a reference. We are waiting for the outcome, but my point is, I know things get hard, they do for me as well, but we must think about what we want in life, not what we don't have, we must send out good thoughts into the universe that encourage its response to us in the way we want it to. REMEMBER: YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK! I seem to relearn that every time I go through tough times. It really does make a difference. When you think positive no matter how many obstacles are in your way, your body will respond, your liver will be happy, your digestion smoother, your muscles at ease, and your immune system stronger then ever. Stress to the mind is a huge health hazard, so try...when something gets difficult try to find your way out of it. Say to yourself, this is only temporary I'm going to find a better job, or even though I am not feeling so well today, I am learning something about my body and I'm going to find the answer....the smallest ounce of faith will help you overcome the largest of obstacles.
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