Body Logic


Did you know how much you could learn from your reading your tongue. Well I didn't know until I went to my first naturopath. Its just another guide to help you understand your body better. Below is another chart from Jivaka Ayurveda which is also very helpful. This actually changed my life! Reading my tongue was the first step to my diagnosis and the pathway to my recovery. When I'm feeling not so right my tongue or my skin will tell me what it is I need to work on. A couple of days ago I was taking too much of my candida anti fungals. I knew immediately because my tongue started getting coated. I immediately ran for the bathroom and realized that my immune system was down and was fighting too hard to keep up with the anti fungal. This made me back off abit, and increase my dosage of colostrum and vitamin C. Within a day I was feeling much better:)! Fiore

Have you ever had a really important event to go to and found yourself the day before with a pimple right in the wrong area? Urgh. Or have you ever woke up one morning to find you now have braille code all over your forehead? Well, I have experienced all of those things. I'm so grateful its all behind me, but it certainly doesn't make me any happier to know that other woman and men still have these problems. Consider what you are putting into your body and every time you get one of those pesky irritants, think about what your body is trying to tell you!

This is the breakdown:
Forehead: Relates to the abdominal area such as the bladder, gall bladder, and stomach
Middle of forehead between eyebrows: liver and kidneys
Outer eyebrows: thyroid
Center of your eyebrows: liver and kidney
Nose and upper cheek bones: heart
Lower Cheeks: lungs
Ears: kidneys
Below your nose and above your lips: spleen and stomach
Lower Lips: intestines
Chin: abdominal/hormonal

If your forehead is breaking out since this relates to the stomach and or digestion, drink more water, and think about what you are eating differently. Perhaps your body is having a hard time breaking down the food you have digested, maybe you have eaten too much oil or fat, or processed foods...etc. If your breaking out on your lower cheeks your experiencing toxins in your lungs, and this is possibly your immune system speaking. Try a boost(vitamin C, Colostrum). Perhaps your ears are breaking out.. this could mean your kidneys are cleansing your blood. Your PH levels have a lot to do with your skin as well, hence the food you are eating. Let your face be your guide rather then your frustration. We of course love to run to the doctor in hopes that they will give us a pill to get rid of the horror, but keep in mind that when you do this you are simply trying to avoid listening to your body. This will only cause you more problems in the future. Most women/men will tell you, when I stop the antibiotic I break out again. The reason being, its not curing the problem, its only for the time being masking the symptoms. I've suffered for years with bad skin, and for over a year now my skin is better then ever. I have the occasional breakouts here and there, but I know what to do to get rid of it overnight! Try it, you have nothing to loose. Start researching what your putting inside your body, or need to be putting more of in your body! True beauty DOES come from the inside:)!! Fiore

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