Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Digestive Enzymes

I watched a video on and it was about natural energy boosters. It had lots of interesting recommendations. One of them was digestive enzymes. Sounds kind of interesting but it makes perfect sense when you think about it. When we eat our body has to work hard to digest that food. They mentioned that as we get older we tend to lose these enzymes. You may think to yourself, ok, I will just take a supplement, but there's a better option. You can get enzymes to help digestion by eating raw fruits and vegetables. This is a WAY better option then taking a pill in my opinion. So there is no way I can become a raw food only person (I give serious props to these people, but I love meat too much), so what I have been doing is eating some raw produce with every meal, especially dinner. I can't tell you how many times I cook my veggies at dinner and only half of them get eaten anyway. All I do now is put some raw broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, etc on a plate in the middle of the table and they all get eaten up!! Give it a try, you will cut down your prep time and help your's a win win!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea!!Everyone including children love to "crunch" on there food.I never cared for cooked veggies unless I doll it up with all sorts of spices and flavoring.I hate veggies that are mushy and tastless.Maybe that is why alot of people do not eat there vegetables ;>)


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