Friday, July 22, 2011

Diet Related Illnesses

We hear it all the time "eat you fruits and veggies", are you getting enough fruits and veggies?" and then we proceed throughout our busy days NOT eating our fruits and veggies. So why do you think that is? Honestly, I have no idea. Sometimes I am guilty of not eating the proper amount myself, although I somehow manage to get my kids to eat their fair share. But if you really stop and think about it there are SO many health issues we can avoid if we just ate more of those things. I mean it's not like they don't taste good for Pete's sake!!

For example, have any of you heard of Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis? You hear it a lot in older people but basically it is a condition in which the small pouches in your intestines or colon bulge outward and become inflamed and infected. If it is serious enough you have to have surgery to have the infected parts of your intestines and/or colon removed. Now maybe you didn't know this but it is completely diet related. It is from not eating enough fiber. Where does fiber come from...fruit and veggies of course! So I ask the question again...why don't we eat enough of them when we know they are the best thing for us?? I think we just have to treat our body like a true temple. What you put into it, is what you get out of it. Let's all try and be more intentional and grab an apple the next time we have a sweet tooth. You have to start somewhere!

1 comment:

  1. Great article and so true.My husband has Diverticulitis and if he eats the wrong thing it really gives him much pain,like popcorn,which doctors told him to stay away from,which is also crazy because popcorn(minus all the crap one puts on it,like butter,salt,etc)is a great form of fiber and is good for you if one does not eat it too much of it.I like to stick to high fiber cereal myself,,but I do love fruit and most veggies.Thankyou for bringing this to your readers attention.Of course the commercials now are filled with all kinds of fiber foods including bars,snacks,etc.The basics are the cheapest and the best.


Beth and Morgans Blog