So, why am I not a fan of the microwave? It produces radiation to cook your food and also emits electric magnetic energy. Both of these things I like to minimize if at all possible. If you plan on keeping yours, try not to stand in front of it when it’s on. Also, don't heat your food in plastic. I know snopes issued a comeback saying this was perfectly acceptable, but let's look at it logically. Plastics are loaded with chemicals. Heat it up and expands and contracts, risking possible leaks into your food. The known carcinogenic in a lot of plastics, BPA, will attach itself to any animal fat when heated (so don't pour hot food containing animal fat into a plastic container). I will end with a quote from Deirdre Imus from her book "Growing up Green";
"Microwaves are a perfect example of American's obsession with convenience above all else...our insistence on taking shortcuts, even at our own peril."
I read an article awhile back that when you microwave food, because of the radiation, your body no longer recognizes the substance you have ingested and when you do, the body wraps the quintessential food particle in fat and either stores it or releases it. It makes sense really. Our bodies already are not getting all the nutrients we need when we cook it. Add a little radiation and how could it possibly be nutritious. Makes me think that when your losing weight from Nutra System that maybe your actually starving yourself. Well thats my theory. For all the "I don't have time'ers" How hard is it really to cut up some raw vegetables and wrap it in a rice tortilla, or scramble some eggs. Well any hew. I've been waiting for this kind of post. Microwaves have been banned in some countries. Nevertheless its a huge problem in America. Perhaps thats one of the reasons for the colon cancer epidemic. Again just a theory. I leave you with this last thought...There was a lawsuit in 1991 in Oklahoma. A woman named Norma Levitt had hip surgery, but was killed by a simple blood transfusion when a nurse "warmed the blood for the transfusion in a microwave oven!"