Basically, a thermal image is taken of the breasts by a thermal imaging camera and that is your base image. No painful boob squashing!! You make a follow-up appointment (I think six months later) and that image is compared to the base to look for any differences. then you go every year or two thereafter. It can detect inflammation (possible cancer) much earlier then a mammogram. It works especially well with younger women due to the fact that our breasts are sometimes dense. The greatest thing about thermography is that it does not expose you to any radiation, unlike mammograms.
You may have to look around to find someplace in your area that does breast thermography. One downside is that you will likely have to pay out of pocket to have it done. The lady I heard seemed reasonable (about $200 for both sessions).
Here are some links to check out:
Great post.Yes,I have heard of it and its hard to find a doctor that will issue this.I do agree that its the best way to go if one can do it. Most insurance companies will either completely cover the classic xray mammogram,despite its discomfort as a regular yearly pro-active checkup and $200 is a lot of money if one doesn't have it,afford it and is on a fixed income.Its great if one can go this route.I am all for it.