Friday, June 3, 2011

More on Vaccines

I am so excited to have some interest in the vaccine post I made the other day. Thanks! I wanted to make my comment an actual post cause I was worried it would be a little long winded being that this is a passion of mine. One of the comments had to do with making some vaccinations such as Tetanus and Polio a mandatory requirement for all infants and children. I have to disagree with this. There is no situation that is "one size fits all" so to say that everyone should just get this vaccine, regardless of the situation, is a little irresponsible.

Also the comment was made "I believe that the failure to do so (vaccinate) on the parents behalf is a terrible misjudgment, and can lead to a child's life ending in horrible pain and suffering, and is completely preventable". Many people choose not to vaccinate their children because they do not believe the risk of the disease is as strong as the risk of getting the vaccine. When you get into your car, there is a chance that you will get in a car wreck and die. Actually according to statistics, that chance is pretty high, but millions of people make that choice everyday. It is similar with vaccinations. If you do not vaccinate there is a chance you will contract the disease, but in many cases that chance is very rare. It is also not a given that if you get these diseases you will experience the worst case scenario of extreme pain and or death. Many of the diseases they vaccinate for are treatable. Now the flip side, when you look at the ingredients of a vaccine there is a long list of known toxic ingredients and carcinogens; that is a given. Here is a short list of what is in most vaccines so you can get an idea what your body is up against. Aluminum (linked to seizures, Alzheimer's, brain damage and dementia), Ethylene glycol (the main ingredient in antifreeze), Formaldehyde (known carcinogen), Gelatin (allergen), Glutamate (allergen), Neomycin (allergen), Phenol (coal-tar derivative), Streptomycin (allergen), Thimerosal (mercury -- very toxic).

"There is widespread agreement that the time period since the common vaccines were introduced has seen a remarkable decline in the incidence and severity of corresponding natural infection. But the customary assumption that the decline is attributable to the vaccines remains unproved and continues to be questioned by eminent authorities in the field." Dr. Richard Moskowitz

"If immunizations were responsible for the disappearance of these diseases in the US, one must ask why they disappeared simultaneously in Europe, where mass immunizations did not take place" Dr. Robert Mendelsohn

Tetanus, although a very serious disease is very rare. This bacteria does not live everywhere. The proverbial "rusty nail" associated with causing tetanus comes from the nails used on horse shoes. Tetanus lives in the intestines and mouths of horses and most other mammals therefore when they poop it can get stuck on the nail of the shoe and someone could step on it and contract tetanus. Puncture wounds because they are typically deep don't have a lot of oxygen therefore make a wonderful breeding ground for this bacteria. However, with proper wound care this can be prevented.

Polio is transmitted person to person via respiratory and fecal-oral contamination. "It was not considered problematic until the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Even during massive epidemics, however, most cases remained subclinical, with fewer than 1 percent of the population evidencing paralytic forms. Even when paralysis does occur, 50 percent of cases recover completely and another 25 percent have only mild residual paralysis." Vaccinations, A thoughtful Parents Guide by Aviva Jill Romm

Modern society has come along way with disease control. Sanitation, nutrition and the medical society has attributed greatly to this decline. However, many feel we are on a slippery slope with the medical side. As you can see chronic illness is on the rise as well as antibiotic resistant, new deadly strains of bacteria/viruses are popping up more frequently. If we keep trying to resist these issues via "vaccines" and other medical miracles we may just be digging another hole all together.

Here are some great resources to check out:

1 comment:

  1. That was very well put! Easy to understand and thanks for the links so that people can do the research for themselves.


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